Development, production and marketing in our locations in Höfen and Bad Wildbad offer you the targeted combination of the required know-how.
Development, surpassing the expectations we already had. Production, having the neccesary manufacturing depth and production width at one's disposal and acting flexibly and demand-orientedly. Marketing, listening to you very carefully and advising you competently.
All this combined with many years of experience and the possibility to assemble all these competences for a project discussion around one table in our house are highly-effective prerequisites for a well targeted realisation of your wishes. We stand ready, when the market is demanding new solutions and face the increased requirements of our customers.
In the selection of our longstanding and mostly contract-related suppliers we regard in addition to professional competences also their respectability and particularly pay attention to what becomes more and more important for our customers: no transferring of know-how but using the already existing knowledge! Shortterm cost optimisation by outsourcing-projects combined with transfer of customer's drawings to produce carriers of technology e.g. in Eastern European or Asian countries can't benefit to our customers and are rejected by us.
We take "Made in Germany" as a synonym of quality, technical know-how, responsability and innovation.
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